Ensemble (M-S) 00:00 Sheet music March of the Animals March-of-the-Clowns March of the Robots March of the Soldiers March of the Trolls March-of-the-Troubadours Midnight-Waltz Moonlight-Blues Mosquito-Waltz Ode to the Departed Paradiso-ensemble Parisian-Waltz Piano-Concerto-1-Serenity Piano-Concerto-2-Mourning Piano-Concerto-3-Dreams Rise-of-the-Gods Rise-of-the-Phoenix Rose-of-Sharon Serenade-for-Strings Siciliano-in-A-Minor Slavonic-Dance-1 Slavonic-Dance-2 Smooth-Cat Spanish-Waltz Stardust String Quartet 1 String Quartet 2 String Quartet 3 String Trio 1 String Trio 2 String-Trio-3 Summer-Barcarolle Sunrise